Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What is the sex?

Hello followers-

It's John Thomas and Sydnie here. We are enjoying a little mini-vacation with our families in Georgia this week. We are having a great time and so grateful for our wonderful friends and families.

For the baby news, it is neat to see Sydnie really start to show. You can really tell after she eats a big meal. Pops out like she is 30 weeks pregnant!! Also, we may get very lucky this week. One of Sydnie's friends Christen is a ultrasound tech (?) and has the ability to give us an ultrasound this Friday that might be able to tell us the sex of our baby. It is not a guarantee that she will be able to tell as we are still only 16 weeks, but of course we will let you know if she tells us. Last time to get your votes in before we find out!!!

Have a great week and we will see you soon.


  1. You'll be able to tell! We found out with Charlotte at 17 weeks and 1 day and it was crystal clear! Yay! So exciting!

  2. Ahh!! How cool!! Can't wait to find out what Baby Horton will be! Hope to talk to y'all soon!

